Friday, September 5, 2008

50 minutes in the life of a 5 year old

I'm currently in graduate school working on a Master's in speech-language pathology. As part of our program, we have clinical practicum in our on-campus clinic. This semester, I'm working with a 5 year old little boy, and I can't help but laugh about some of the things he says to me. Here's a peak into some of our conversations...

(scene: sitting on the floor, attempting to read "Where the Wild Things Are")
boy: "are you a woman?"
me: "yes, I am."
boy: "am I a woman?"
me: "no, you're a boy."
boy: "am I hot?"
me: "I don't know, are you feeling hot right now?"
boy: " I H?"

(scene: playing Spill the Beans, and the boy hauled off and knocked the whole barrel of beans over)
me: "uh oh, why did you do that?"
boy, looking me straight in the eye: "yes."

Nothing like the candor of a 5 year old.

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